Hello, My name is

Kshitij Ingale

Software Developer
More about me
Anime style web developer
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About Me

Hey! I'm Kshitij, a computer science grad turned web developer. Beyond coding, I'm a anime enthusiast and sci-fi buff. Let's chat tech, anime, or anything in between! 🚀

  • Name: Kshitij Ingale
  • Email: kshitijingale2@gmail.com
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, Tailwind, Javascript, React
  • Backend: Node, Expressjs, MongoDB, Postgres, Mongoosejs
  • Tools: GIT, Postman, VS Code, ChatGPT
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Check Out Some Of My Projects

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StyleBazaar is an e-commerce website designed to provide a seamless shopping experience.

Tech stack: MERN

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DataDrift delivers real-time sales and engagement analytics in a user-friendly format.

Tech stack: Reactjs, Nodejs

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Your ultimate companion for conquering tasks and maximizing productivity!

Tech stack: MERN

My Blogs

Positioning of Elements in CSS

Aug 8, 2022 3 min read

The position property in CSS tells about the technique for positioning of HTML elements on a webpage. There are five distinct kinds of position...

How CSS Selectors Work

Jul 23, 2022 4 min read

The greatest key to understanding CSS is figuring out selectors. Selectors permits you to target explicit HTML components and apply style to them. We...

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